Sole Plane Crash Survivor Spends 3 Days in Heaven
Heaven, Message, Jesus Captain Dale Black Heaven, Message, Jesus Captain Dale Black

Sole Plane Crash Survivor Spends 3 Days in Heaven

As a young pilot, Captain Dale Black was the only survivor of a tragic plane crash that killed him. For three days, he visited heaven and saw things that changed his life forever. Now, after years of reluctance to share his unbelievable journey, God convinced him to tell his story so you can learn the deeper secrets of the world beyond this one.

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She Met Jesus in A Park & He Showed Her the Light!
Videos, Jesus, Healing, Message Real Near Death Experience Stories Videos, Jesus, Healing, Message Real Near Death Experience Stories

She Met Jesus in A Park & He Showed Her the Light!

Witness the transformation of a once staunch atheist who, in her darkest hour, encountered a divine presence that changed her life forever. This gripping account takes us on a deeply personal journey as the woman shares her near-death experience, where she found herself face-to-face with a dark figure in a park. As the encounter unfolded, she soon realized that the figure was none other than Jesus, who showed her the light and love she had never known before.

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Man Meets Grandma in Heaven After Leading Her to Jesus!
Heaven, Jesus, Family Randy Kay Heaven, Jesus, Family Randy Kay

Man Meets Grandma in Heaven After Leading Her to Jesus!

Amidst the trials of her dementia, Randy Kay felt to witness to his grandmother and help her discover the love of Jesus. Later when he was taken to Heaven, Randy Kay saw his grandmother face-to-face and saw how his actions had brought love into her life. Prepare to be moved by this heartwarming story that reminds us of the power of family, redemption, and the unwavering love of Jesus.

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