John Burke: ‘The Most Intriguing Near Death Experience I Ever Heard’
I had the privilege of meeting Randy Kay when he contacted me after reading my book Imagine Heaven, where I compare the commonalities of near-death experiences (NDEs) to the Bible’s expectation of the afterlife.
After studying over 1,000 cases where a person’s heart stopped or their brain waves ceased, I found Randy’s account one of the most intriguing for several reasons. Randy was at first hesitant to talk about his experience, as are many who have NDEs. As a CEO, Randy knew it could damage his reputation talking about going to Heaven, meeting Jesus, and the life-altering insights he discovered. Yet he, like others you’ll read about in Near Death Experiences: 101 Short Stories That Will Help You Understand Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife, was willing to risk his career because he said his NDE was the most real thing he’d ever experienced. Randy also gained unique insights from Jesus that perfectly illustrate Jesus’s words in John chapter 15, so I brought my son along to hear this wisdom when I first interviewed Randy.
Since the day we met Randy in a San Diego restaurant to hear his incredible story, Randy has become a good friend. Randy left his corporate life for ministry, and he has teamed up with Shaun Tabatt to interview hundreds of others who have had NDEs. I’ve personally interviewed many of the people you’ll read about in this book. Like Randy, they are doctors, nurses, airline pilots, and pastors—respectable, trustworthy people—with nothing to gain and a lot to lose by talking about their NDEs.
Experiences like these are far more common than most people realize. The Gallup Poll found one out of every twenty-five people (millions) have had a near-death experience, where they reported various common elements of the life to come. In this book, you’ll get to hear firsthand how each describes these common elements of the typical NDE experience—allowing you to compare where they overlap and how they are each unique.
After 35 years of studying the Bible and near-death experiences, I found far more reasons to believe in the God of the Bible than to disbelieve, and I also discovered amazing commonalities across NDE stories that align with the Bible—intriguing, detailed descriptions like you’ll read in the following pages—all giving different angles to what started to look like a very similar picture.
During that same 35-year timeframe, I went from a career in engineering to becoming a pastor. The more I studied the Christian Scriptures, on my own and in seminary, the more intriguing and confusing reading about these near-death experiences became. Intriguing because so many of them described the picture of the afterlife found in the Scriptures; confusing because individual interpretations of their experiences could wildly vary and even at times seem at odds with the Scriptures.
Near Death Experiences
Randy Kay & Shaun Tabatt
After reading enough of these experiences, I started to see the difference between what people reported experiencing and the interpretation they might give to that experience based on cultural background, worldview, or life circumstances. While interpretations vary, the core experience points to what the Scriptures say. I think that’s important to keep in mind as we read NDE stories. I’ve found even Christian NDEs sometimes contradict each other as they seek to interpret and explain their out-of-this-world experience. For that reason, I always advise people to hold all NDE stories up against what the Scriptures say, and let the Scripture interpret the NDE, and not the other way around. Having said that, NDEs together as a whole can illustrate with vivid color the picture of the life to come that the Bible paints.
Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected a myriad of fascinating stories from ordinary people who have embarked on extraordinary journeys to the realms beyond death. Each of these brief accounts serves as a brushstroke, painting a brilliant and awe-inspiring picture of what Heaven is truly like and the radical life-changing experiences of those who have stood in the presence of Jesus.
The stories contained in this book are not mere flights of fancy or fantastical tales. I believe they are God’s gift to our world today, testimonies of Heaven’s reality to our global village. These narratives resonate with the commonalities found in countless near-death experiences, providing a compelling tapestry of evidence that speaks to the reality of the afterlife.
The 101 narratives you’ll read transcend mere curiosity; they confront misconceptions, impart healing love, offer a heavenly perspective on earthly trials, bestow hope to those grieving, and portray the dynamic activity of Heaven and its direct effect on our daily lives. These supernatural encounters provide glimpses into a reality beyond our five senses, where the experience of time and space expands, and the eternal truths of God’s kingdom become tangible.
For those who have faced the deep ache of grief and the sorrow of losing loved ones, Near Death Experiences offers solace and hope. These stories remind us that death is not the end but rather a transition into a realm where love, joy, and a great reunion awaits us. They provide comfort, assuring us that our departed loved ones are not lost forever but are embraced in the loving arms of God.
Through the pages of this book, you are invited to embark on a journey of exploration. Keeping the Bible as your guide, you will see how these people illustrate the truths of Scripture about the after- life. It’s the opportunity to challenge your preconceived notions, to expand your understanding, and to find solace in the eternal truths that await beyond the veil.
The collection of narratives Randy and Shaun have gathered offers a breadth of perspectives and experiences, ensuring that readers from all walks of life can find resonance and insight within these pages. Through these powerful testimonies, you will gain a deeper understanding of the afterlife, a clearer vision of Heaven, and a renewed sense of purpose in this present life.
As you embark on this journey, I pray these stories will open your heart and mind to God’s ever-present guidance and the hope of Heaven that awaits you. May the testimonies shared in Near Death Experiences lead you to a deeper connection with God and a profound transformation of your own understanding of life, death, and eternity.
If you have ever been curious about life beyond the grave, if you've ever doubted whether Heaven really exists, Near Death Experiences is the powerful testimony of life beyond the veil that you've been waiting for.
In Near Death Experiences, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected fascinating stories of near-death experiences and afterlife encounters from ordinary people who have visited Heaven. Each of these brief accounts paints a clear picture of what heaven is really like and the radical life-changing experiences from those who have stood in the presence of Jesus.
These supernatural accounts of the afterlife will:
Confront misconceptions about God and Heaven
Impart the healing love of the Father
Offer a heavenly perspective on earthly trials
Bestow hope to those grieving the loss of loved ones
Portray the activity of Heaven and its direct effect on your daily life
Don't spend another day in confusion or uncertainty. In Near Death Experiences, you will find the afterlife answers, Heavenly hope, and eternal encouragement that you have been seeking.