John Burke: ‘The Most Intriguing Near Death Experience I Ever Heard’
After studying over 1,000 cases where a person’s heart stopped or their brain waves ceased, there was one account that caught John Burke’s attention. New York Times bestselling author, John Burke shares how this look into Heaven and Jesus will shock you and change your life.

A Broken Neck Sent Her to Heaven, Then Jesus Healed Her!
At the age of 12, Heather Z experienced a life-altering accident that broke her neck and left her facing death. Now, she shares how Jesus miraculously healed her, revealing her purpose and the power of faith through a divine encounter.

‘I Witnessed the Crucifixion in Heaven After My Heart Stopped’
Just seven days after accepting Jesus as his Savior, Wayne’s heart stopped—and his soul was launched into heaven. There, standing face-to-face with Jesus, he was shown the most earth-shattering moment in all of history: the crucifixion. What he witnessed will leave you speechless!

Man Sucked into Tornado, Then God Changes His Life
Jason was taken up into the funnel of a tornado and lives to tell about it. Miraculous, yes, but his full testimony and faith journey includes many powerful pieces including deliverance and redemption. He is currently passionate about serving his community and sharing his message of hope and faith.

105 Minutes in Heaven: Sepsis Took His Life—God Restored It
Dean Braxton died for 105 minutes, but what he saw in Heaven will leave you speechless. This sepsis survivor’s firsthand account of glory, beauty, and divine purpose will challenge everything you thought you knew about the afterlife!

Near-Death Experiences—Proof of God’s Existence?
“I’ve researched hundreds of people who were clinically dead and resuscitated, and they all share a common experience—not only of the life to come, but of encountering the presence of a captivating God.” New York Times Best-Selling Author John Burke reveals the truth about near-death experience, heaven, and God.

This Man Nearly Died & Jesus Showed Up in His Hospital Room
Mike McKinsey’s life changed forever by an encounter with Jesus at the brink of death. Facing a dire medical emergency, Mike shares the details of the miraculous moment Jesus appeared to him, not just in spirit, but in a tangible, life-altering presence.

Hindu Man Dies & Jesus Gives Him 5 Urgent Instructions!
From devout Hindu to meeting Jesus, discover Santosh’s unexpected journey after dying in the ICU. Learn the 5 shocking instructions he received from Jesus and how that changed his life forever!

‘I Met Jesus Face-to-Face, and He Told Me This…’
“My knees buckled. I couldn’t stand. My legs lost their strength, and I collapsed.” After a fatal plane crash sent him to heaven, Captain Dale Black met Jesus face-to-face, but what he said would change Dale’s life forever.

Man Dies of A Heart Attack, God Tells Him About the Rapture
When Wayne Fowler suddenly died, he met Jesus face-to-face, witnessed the crucifixion, and heard about the Rapture. His amazing testimony is jam-packed with amazing descriptions, tear-jerking experiences, and life-changing revelations.

You Won’t Believe What Happens After You Die
These revelations will unlock the mysteries of heaven and the afterlife. Drawing on insights from interviewing dozens of people who have visited heaven, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt uncover a clear picture of what Heaven is really like and what God wants to do in your life.

She Died of Cancer-Induced Heart Attack! Listen to What Jesus Tells Her in Heaven
Rosemary Thornton was diagnosed with cervical cancer after the death of her husband. Her bleeding was so severe that she went into shock and suffered a fatal heart attack. From there, she went to Heaven and spoke to God about her husband. What He said next shocked her. . .

12-Year-Old Boy Meets Another Boy in Heaven, Returns with a Message for His Parents
Retah McPherson’s son, Aldo, suffered a severe brain injury due to a car accident when he was 12 years old. During his coma, he had a supernatural experience in which he went to Heaven, saw God, angels, Moses, and Abraham. However, there was one other person he met in Heaven, one who had a special message to his parents after his death…

A Pilot’s Near-Death Experience & Heavenly Visit in Heaven!
Hear Captain Dale Black share his life-after-death experience as the only survivor of a fatal airplane crash and his journey to heaven.

Sole Plane Crash Survivor Spends 3 Days in Heaven
As a young pilot, Captain Dale Black was the only survivor of a tragic plane crash that killed him. For three days, he visited heaven and saw things that changed his life forever. Now, after years of reluctance to share his unbelievable journey, God convinced him to tell his story so you can learn the deeper secrets of the world beyond this one.

He Died in a Plane Crash! What He Sees in Heaven Will Inspire You!
I was the only survivor of a horrific airplane crash and my life has forever been changed. Just after take-off, we violently crashed into a cemetery’s seven story Air Mausoleum. For three days I drifted in and out of a coma but not before taking an uncharted trip … to heaven. What I experienced there, words cannot do justice.

She Met Jesus in A Park & He Showed Her the Light!
Witness the transformation of a once staunch atheist who, in her darkest hour, encountered a divine presence that changed her life forever. This gripping account takes us on a deeply personal journey as the woman shares her near-death experience, where she found herself face-to-face with a dark figure in a park. As the encounter unfolded, she soon realized that the figure was none other than Jesus, who showed her the light and love she had never known before.

Her Son Went to Heaven & Met Moses And Abraham!
Retah’s life changed completely on the night of a car accident that left her son Aldo fighting for his life. During the process of Aldo’s recovery he began to express through his writing that he met Jesus and witnessed the glory of heaven. He also emerged with a deep understanding of scripture and messages he claimed were from God. These messages through Aldo continue today.

Jewish Teen Crushed, Saw Jesus’ Smile & Sat on God’s Lap
Jewish teen Heidi Barr experienced a freak accident when the horse she was riding stumbled off a hillside and crushed her underneath. Although raised Jewish, Heidi found herself holding hands with Jesus and going to Heaven. In this excerpt, she shares her sudden death and the detailed description of Jesus, Heaven, and sitting on God’s lap.

Violent Car Crash Sends A Boy to Heaven, He Returns With Messages For You
When a car accident sent a boy into a coma, he was sent to heaven and came back with messages that will change your life. In this excerpt, his mother, Retha McPherson, describes his journey and how one particular message from Aldo changed her life . . . and it can change yours too.