A Broken Neck Sent Her to Heaven, Then Jesus Healed Her!

At the age of 12, Heather Z experienced a life-altering accident that broke her neck and left her facing death.

Now, she shares how Jesus miraculously healed her, revealing her purpose and the power of faith through a divine encounter.

If you have ever been curious about life beyond the grave, if you've ever doubted whether Heaven really exists, Near Death Experiences is the powerful testimony of life beyond the veil that you've been waiting for.

In Near Death Experiences, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected fascinating stories of near-death experiences and afterlife encounters from ordinary people who have visited Heaven. Each of these brief accounts paints a clear picture of what heaven is really like and the radical life-changing experiences from those who have stood in the presence of Jesus.

These supernatural accounts of the afterlife will:

  • Confront misconceptions about God and Heaven

  • Impart the healing love of the Father

  • Offer a heavenly perspective on earthly trials

  • Bestow hope to those grieving the loss of loved ones

  • Portray the activity of Heaven and its direct effect on your daily life

Don’t spend another day in confusion or uncertainty. In Near Death Experiences, you will find the afterlife answers, Heavenly hope, and eternal encouragement that you have been seeking.

Heather Z

Heather Z is an impacting speaker delivering powerful insight, with a prayer ministry that has imparted lasting change to countless lives. For the last 16 years she has ministered with her husband Joseph Z in the nations, Bible schools, churches, and women’s conferences. A significant point in Heather’s life is her miraculous recovery from a gymnastics accident over 20 years ago that left her with a broken neck. Through this experience she had a supernatural encounter with the Lord that continues to be an inspiring testimony to many. Heather has a mother’s heart for women to develop into what they are called to be. She desires to see disciples established and the Body of Christ equipped and engaged in the world around them.


John Burke: ‘The Most Intriguing Near Death Experience I Ever Heard’


‘I Witnessed the Crucifixion in Heaven After My Heart Stopped’