‘I Witnessed the Crucifixion in Heaven After My Heart Stopped’
Wayne suffered a heart attack just seven days after he accepted Jesus as his Savior. He was blessed with a profound time with Jesus in a near-death experience. Miraculously Wayne did get to the hospital after his incident to confirm a heart attack, however there was no residual damage to his heart muscle! Wayne is a lawyer from Texas who is currently working in Australia. He has also worked as a contractor in military defense. His near-death experience has left him with a voracious hunger for reading scripture and he is passionate in sharing that Jesus is real and that His love for each one of us is more than we can fathom. – Julie
I am Wayne Fowler. When I opened my eyes, I realized I wasn’t in bed anymore. Instead, I was standing beside my bed, looking down at my own body. It was an odd sight, seeing myself lying there, lifeless, with my hand clutched to my chest and a painful expression frozen on my face. My vision, though, was incredibly sharp, far beyond what my glasses ever allowed me to see. I could make out even the tiniest details around the room.
As I looked around, I noticed my wife was still sound asleep. Then, I heard a voice calling my name from behind me, “Wayne.” I turned around to see who it was, and I found myself looking out through the wall and the window as if they weren’t even there. Outside, sitting on the curb, was a woman named Linda. Although I didn’t recognize her from my life, there was a deep, internal knowing that I knew her.
I walked out through the wall toward her. Linda was bathed in a circle of light, like a spotlight from above. She greeted me and told me that someone wanted to meet me. As I looked up in the direction she indicated, I saw a distant point of light in the sky. Suddenly, I felt large, unseen hands lift me up. It was like being a child picked up by a parent, warm and reassuring.
I began to rise, leaving Linda behind as I ascended toward the light. My body glowed with a bluish-purple light, and I could see through my hands and feet as if they were made of translucent light. I noticed that I was wearing clothes and shoes, which struck me as odd since I had been in bed.
As I ascended, I saw the landmasses of Earth recede below me, and I entered a tunnel that opened up before me. This tunnel was dark, but around its edges were angels, packed shoulder to shoulder, creating a welcoming procession. They were excitedly talking among themselves, celebrating my arrival.
The speed of my ascent increased, and I realized I was moving faster than the speed of light. This initially made me uncomfortable, but as soon as I thought about it, I slowed down just enough to feel comfortable. I continued toward the light at the end of the tunnel, which grew larger and brighter as I approached.
Bursting out of the tunnel, I entered a realm filled with light. And in this realm of light was another light that outshined them all. This light was brighter than ten thousand suns, but didn't hurt my eyes. It was stunningly beautiful, pure and alive. As I looked closer, I saw the form of a man in the center of this light, with light pouring out from Him.
As I got closer, I could make out the form of a man in the center of this light. His arms were outstretched as if welcoming me into a loving embrace. I could see that the light was emanating from Him. This was Jesus! This is God! This is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! The moment I recognized Him, I knew without a doubt that He was the creator of everything. The love that flowed from Him to me was overwhelming. It filled me completely, making me feel as if I could explode from its intensity.
Entering the light was like becoming part of it. It entered me just as I entered it, filling every part of my being with a profound sense of love and knowledge. This love was beyond anything I had ever experienced on Earth. It was pure, infinite, and unconditional. Words like rapture, bliss, and ecstasy barely begin to describe it. It was as if all the joy and love in the world were concentrated into a single moment, and then multiplied infinitely.
As I stood there, enveloped in this love, I began to ask Jesus questions. Each question was answered instantly and completely, with a depth of knowledge that was beyond comprehension. It was as if He could anticipate every possible follow-up question and answer it all at once. The answers were not just words, but complete volumes of understanding, filling my mind with knowledge.
One of the most profound moments was when I was taken to the very place and time of His crucifixion. I was there, standing before Jesus as He hung on the cross. I could feel His thoughts, His pain, and His love. I under- stood in that moment that he would have gone through all of that just for me, even if I were the only person in all of creation to accept Him. This realization brought me to my knees. The love and sacrifice were overwhelming. I knew that this love of Jesus applies to each and every one of us. He would have endured the cross for each and every one of us. This left me in awe.
I continued to ask questions, and Jesus continued to answer. Each answer brought more understanding and more love. I learned that everything about Him and the Bible is true. The more I learned, the more I realized how much there was to know. It was like being a child again, filled with curiosity and wonder, asking my father endless questions and receiving answers that were beyond anything I could have imagined.
During this time, I also felt the presence of the Father. Although I couldn’t see Him, I knew He was there. I could hear Him and interact with Him. His presence was powerful and loving, just like Jesus. This place felt more real and more like home, more than any place on Earth ever had. It was like returning from a long journey and finally being where I belonged. Despite the overwhelming love and knowledge, I realized I couldn’t stay. When I asked if I could remain there, both the Father and Jesus firmly said no. Their voices were powerful yet loving, leaving no room for argument. I understood that I had to return to Earth. The realization was disappointing, but I knew it was necessary.
As I was pulled back through the tunnel, I saw the angels again, still celebrating my journey. The speed of my descent was just as fast as my ascent, and I passed through the layers of the atmosphere, seeing the Earth from space. It was a beautiful sight, a reminder of the world I was returning to.
I re-entered my house, passing through the roof and ceiling, noticing every detail along the way. I re-entered my body with such force that it rebounded off the end of the bed and landed face down in the middle of the floor, waking my wife, Denise. In the darkness of the night, she was startled and confused, and I was very weak. Summoning all of my strength, I turned my body and crawled to the edge of the bed reaching out to her to catch her attention. With a worried voice she said, "Wayne?!" With one last burst of energy, I managed to squeak out, “I just...met...God!”
This experience changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. It affirmed my faith and gave me a deeper understanding of the love and truth of Jesus. I now share my testimony with hopes to inspire and bless others with my story-with His story.
In conclusion, my encounter with Jesus was a profound and transformative experience. The love and knowledge I received were beyond anything I had ever known. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and pray that it brings others closer to understanding the love and truth of Jesus.
Further Reflection
Wayne Fowler’s experience offers a profound glimpse into the reality of Jesus’ love and the eternal truth of His existence. His encounter with Jesus in a realm of indescribable light and love provides a powerful reminder of the depth of God’s love for each of us. Wayne’s journey emphasizes the importance of faith and the transformative power of divine encounters. It reassures us that Jesus’ love is unconditional and His presence is always with us.
Reflect on the moments in your life when you have felt God’s presence or experienced His love. Consider how these experiences have shaped your faith and understanding of God’s nature. Ponder the significance of knowing that Jesus’ love is personal and infinite, and how this truth can influence your daily life and interactions with others.
Thank You for the overwhelming love and truth You reveal to us. Help us to embrace Your presence and live in the light of Your love. Strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding of Your divine nature. Guide us to share Your love and truth with others, bringing hope and inspiration to those around us. May we always seek to draw closer to You and live in a way that reflects Your infinite love.
Millions of people experience miracles every year, yet we rarely hear about them.
Could these miraculous events be proof of a divine presence among us?
Collecting hundreds of testimonies of miracles, healings, and near-death experiences, Julie Hedenborg, Certified Nurse Anesthetist, shares the astonishing accounts she has personally heard, revealing the incredible miracles through the voices of those who experienced them.
Proof that these miracles still occur every day, Julie shares her top 32 key testimonies that showcase the miracle-working power of God, designed to strengthen your faith. You will discover real testimonies as:
Jesus Shows A Man The Crucifixion
Brain-Dead for 11 Hours, Man Experiences Heaven
Resurrection of a Child After 8 Hours of Not Breathing
Police Officer Healed After 10 Years of Paralysis
Man Taken up into a Tornado and Survives
Jesus Appears and Heals Man's Terminal Cancer
And many more extraordinary accounts.
Julie Hedenborg unveils the profound love and power of God through these thrilling encounters. You will realize that miracles are not only possible but occur every day. In times like these, people need to know that a loving God is within their reach. Be inspired to see the divine in everyday life and expect miracles in your own journey.