105 Minutes in Heaven: Sepsis Took His Life—God Restored It
Dean Braxton was clinically dead for one hour and 45 minutes, only to come fully back to life! Even more stunning is what he experienced during this time in the presence of Jesus. Dean is the joy of the Lord personified. He is one of the most passionate and Spirit-filled people I have been honored to interview. He is spreading the love of Jesus around the globe through books, speaking, and ministry and bringing many to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior! - Julie
I’m Dean Braxton, years ago, I found myself in a situation that, medically speaking, I shouldn't have survived.
I went to the hospital for what seemed like a routine procedure to treat kidney stones—a condition painful but not usually life-threatening. However, things took a turn for the worse when an infection led to sepsis, causing my organs to fail one by one. Before I knew it, I was on the brink of death.
I was clinically dead for an hour and 45 minutes. To the healthcare professionals who witnessed my condition, my survival, let alone without any deficits, was nothing short of miraculous. They even started calling me the “Miracle Man.” But behind this miracle was a profound spiritual journey that would redefine the essence of my faith and purpose.
Let me tell you, the realization that you’re dying is a profound moment. As I was wheeled down to the ICU, struggling for every breath, a sense of peace enveloped me. It was a peace that made no sense in the natural realm, given my circumstances. I had always feared dying, especially in a manner that involved suffocation, given a childhood experience with almost drowning. Yet, in that moment, all fear was replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy and anticipation. I was going home.
I remember leaving the hospital room. I remember leaving the atmosphere. I remember leaving what we call our universe. I remember entering this dark area. Many people say they could see a light at the end of the tunnel. I saw a light and it looked like a window. And I was headed toward it. And I knew that’s where the father of Jesus is. Somehow I knew that was heaven. Suddenly, as I continued moving, these other lights were passing me by like I was standing still. They looked like shooting stars. They weren't, but that's what they looked like. And they were the prayers that people were praying for me and others.
It was a very joyful moment for me seeing them go past. Later on when I was processing that whole scene, I wondered why the prayers were going faster than I was. And I was going really fast, and yet it looked like the prayers were passing me so much faster. All I could really see was the ends of them or the tails. Very similar to a shooting star up in the sky, you see the tail.
The whole experience was beyond any human words could describe. The journey there wasn’t just about moving from one place to another; it was an immediate transition into a state of being enveloped in love, peace, and a profound sense of rightness. Everything was as it should be, and I was exactly where I was meant to be. For the first time, I felt like I fit perfectly in this beautiful place! I wish I could grab the feeling at that moment and give it away to everybody I come in contact with, to have that total feeling of fitting in a place.
In heaven, my meeting with Jesus and the Father was life-changing. It wasn’t just like seeing someone; it was more like being wrapped up in the deepest sense of love and peace you can imagine. I bowed before Him, at His feet in awe, “You did this for me!” This realization that my presence in heaven was solely due to His sacrifice was overwhelming. Our meeting was deeply personal, reflecting love and acceptance. Initially I could only look at His feet. The fullness of the love of God was coming through the feet of Jesus. I don’t know how else to say it, but every portion of His being that I looked at loved me. I could feel the love emanating through His feet, ankles, knees, and the marks of His crucifixion, I understood that His identity was unmistakable through this boundless love. Indeed, as Romans 8 declares, nothing can separate us from God's love, a truth made evident through Christ.
Everyday Miracles
Julie Hedenborg
This love is great and it's expanding every moment. I wish we could understand that we’re wired for that love. We’re created for that love. The reason you were created is because God just wants to be with you. You’re created because God Almighty wants to be with you forever. He has already chosen us. He just wants us to choose Him. When I looked into His eyes, what did I see? I saw the love for myself. And then I thought about somebody else and I saw the love for them. If I would have known you back then and thought about you, I would have seen the love for you like you’re the only one He loves. I remember saying later on, “You really do want everybody here.”
Then I made a statement because I worked in the juvenile justice system for many years. I worked for kids who were abused. I remember we could deal with everything. But when we had a kid that had been sexually abused, boy, that was hard to deal with. Could those people really be changed when they came into the love of God? In my mind, I was thinking about that abuser many times, and it wasn't that I didn't think God would not forgive them, but I always had him in the back of the line.
When I experienced this love I questioned, “Even child molesters?” He's still looking away, but he started to make a statement. He says, “When you put a person in jail, they get out. They get out because their time’s up, or they die, but they get out.”
And then he turned around and looked at me. He's looking down, and He says, “But when we put a person in hell, they are there for eternity.” He says, “Who are you to nullify what I have done?” You know, and at that moment, it hit me. He’s the one that died on the cross.
In Isaiah 52 it says He was beaten in such a manner He was unrecognizable as a human being. He paid the price for everybody. So I have no right to say this person cannot be saved by God. I’m not saying they’re not going to pay the price on the planet for their wrongdoing, but I am going to say if they ask God to forgive them, God’s going to forgive them.
I know some of us, we’re going to have a hard time with that because we want some people to really pay forever, but Jesus Christ died on the cross for everyone.
One of the things Jesus was doing when I got there was very interesting. He was facing a bunch of beings or angels out in front of them, and they were in a half circle. He was communicating with them, and I knew what He was doing. He was strategizing. He was strategizing around how to get people on the planet to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He was coming up with these strategies because people were praying, and as they were praying for loved ones, Jesus Almighty up in heaven was strategizing with the angels to orchestrate events on the planet to get people born again.
The angels weren’t giving Him advice. He was directing everything. The strategy wasn’t so much on the angels. They were going to do what they needed to do in the heavenly realm. It was really on the planet. Who on the planet He could rely on to do what He wanted to be done. And I came to understand He was strategizing beyond individuals. He was also looking at churches. He wasn't looking at just the Baptists or the Methodists or the Pentecostals, He was looking at churches that were following Him. It didn't matter what denomination. If they were following Him, He was using them in the strategy.
You know, He told me that in every church, there’s really two types of spirits and two types of attitude. He said that one was like the church of Philadelphia, if you read Revelation, and the other one is like the church of Laodicea. He said that kind of personality or attitude is in every church. One time you may go to a church and it looks like more of them are following what Laodicea did. And you go to another church and more of them are following what Philadelphia did. It did not matter what denomination it was, He was moving them in their position in their community to work out His will on the planet.
One of the most profound insights from this journey was a family reunion. I was warmly welcomed by a huge family reunion that included many generations, even those from way before my time. It showed me how family ties go on forever, kept strong by God’s love. It made me see how special family connections are, lasting way beyond our time on Earth. I learned that in heaven, we get to work and celebrate together with our families, which was a really comforting thought. It reassured me that the relationships we value so much here are not just for now, but forever.
In reference to family, there are four groups that come to greet you into heaven: your family, your friends, anyone you led to the Lord, and yes, your pets. Pets in heaven are often controversial. I didn't believe animals went to heaven when this happened to me. Here I am on my hands and knees before Jesus looking at His feet. To my side, here come all these pets, animals. I prayed to God in the hospital that no one would ask me about pets in heaven. Of course, they did. As I poured into the Bible I found several scriptures that speak to their place in God’s Kingdom.
I had more encounters with Jesus, but ultimately He told me that it was not yet my time and that I had to go back. I wanted so much to stay in this place. I felt He was saying to me that He needed me more on the Earth. In spite of my disappointment, the words arose in me, like a soldier, “Yes Sir.” I felt myself going back in the opposite direction, and I saw the prayers flying toward heaven once again. I cried all the way to my hospital bed. Three days later I woke up.
As they removed the breathing tube, the first words that escaped my lips were, “There’s a Jesus. You don't have to hope there's a Jesus. You don't have to wish there was a Jesus. There’s a Jesus,” While I longed to stay in that place of absolute peace and love, I was sent back with a purpose. Since then, I've been on a mission to share this experience, to tell others about the reality of Jesus, the power of prayer, and the tangible love of God that transcends our earthly understanding.
My wife’s role in my survival and recovery cannot be overstated. She was a warrior of faith, leading a prayer battle that I believe was pivotal in my miraculous recovery. She maintained a spiritual atmosphere around me, one that fostered healing and divine intervention. Her unwavering belief in God's power and her strategic prayers were instrumental in what many would call a comeback from the dead.
After my return, I was reading the Bible. God gave me more revelation about the prayers that were passing me so quickly on my way to heaven. I was reading in Genesis when it was just Adam and God. There was no one else for Adam to talk to in the beginning. And then I got it. Why wouldn't the prayers pass me by? God wants so much to hear from us. He loves it when we communicate with Him. He loves your voice. He made your voice. He created you to talk to Him and to hear from Him. Remember that prayers don't have a shelf life. Those that are coming from your heart. They do not expire. I realized that in the Bible, in a story about Cornelius when an angel comes to Him and says to Him, “Your prayers and your good deeds are memorial before God.” The word memorial in Greek means “remembrance.” I tell people so often that they are blessed. You’re praying and interceding. There are so many generations ago that also interceded for their family, and God is still blessing them because of those prayers!
The impact of this journey on my life has been monumental. It’s transformed how I view every moment, every interaction, and every challenge. Knowing what awaits us, understanding the depth of God's love, and realizing the importance of our time here on Earth has fueled my passion to live a life that reflects this love and to share the hope that comes from knowing Jesus.
As I share my story, I'm often met with skepticism, curiosity, and sometimes, a deep sense of longing for that same assurance of what lies beyond this life. To those who doubt, I offer my testimony not as proof but as a witness to the power of faith. To those who seek, I say, keep your heart open to the possibilities of God's love and the reality of His kingdom.
Reflecting on the past 18 years fills me with immense gratitude for the opportunities I’ve been given to share my testimony and minister in 15 different countries. My journey has led me through a wide range of places, from civil clubs and business meetings to encounters with political figures, inmates, the Amish, new-age enthusiasts, and even witches. The privilege of bringing Jesus’ light into churches, schools, outdoor gatherings, hospitals, and intimate family settings has been a profound blessing. Whether speaking at daycares or colleges, participating in funerals, or comforting those at life’s threshold, each moment has been a testament to the power of faith, hope, and love to transcend all boundaries.
Further Reflection
Dean Braxton’s incredible experience challenges us to recognize the profound love and peace that awaits us in heaven. His testimony emphasizes the power of prayer, the reality of Jesus’ love, and the eternal significance of our relationships. Reflect on the depth of God’s love and how it can transform fear into peace and doubt into faith. Consider the impact of your prayers and the assurance that they are heard and cherished by God.
Imagine yourself standing before Jesus, enveloped in His boundless love. What fears or burdens can you release into His care? How can you deepen your prayer life, knowing that your words reach the heart of God and have the power to change lives?
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the inspiring testimony of Dean Braxton and the profound love he experienced. Help me to embrace the reality of Your love and to trust in the power of prayer. Guide me to live a life that reflects Your love, peace, and compassion. Strengthen my faith, and help me to release my fears and burdens into Your care. May I always remember that my prayers are heard and valued by You. Teach me to intercede for others with a heart full of faith and hope. Guide me to be a vessel of Your love and grace in the world, bringing light to those in darkness and hope to those in despair.
Millions of people experience miracles every year, yet we rarely hear about them.
Could these miraculous events be proof of a divine presence among us?
Collecting hundreds of testimonies of miracles, healings, and near-death experiences, Julie Hedenborg, Certified Nurse Anesthetist, shares the astonishing accounts she has personally heard, revealing the incredible miracles through the voices of those who experienced them.
Proof that these miracles still occur every day, Julie shares her top 32 key testimonies that showcase the miracle-working power of God, designed to strengthen your faith. You will discover real testimonies as:
Jesus Shows A Man The Crucifixion
Brain-Dead for 11 Hours, Man Experiences Heaven
Resurrection of a Child After 8 Hours of Not Breathing
Police Officer Healed After 10 Years of Paralysis
Man Taken up into a Tornado and Survives
Jesus Appears and Heals Man's Terminal Cancer
And many more extraordinary accounts.
Julie Hedenborg unveils the profound love and power of God through these thrilling encounters. You will realize that miracles are not only possible but occur every day. In times like these, people need to know that a loving God is within their reach. Be inspired to see the divine in everyday life and expect miracles in your own journey.