Pilot Spent 11 Hours in Heaven: ‘Nothing Was More Beautiful’
Successful airline pilot, Jim Woodford, had it all until he died. He then spent 11 hours in Heaven, and when he came back, he was changed forever. In this excerpt, Jim tells you about his walk through the gardens of Paradise, experiencing the beautiful and breathtaking scenery of Heaven.

Buddhist Overdoses, Meets Jesus in Heaven
Raised as a devout Buddhist, Steve Kang overdosed from a fatal combination of powerful drugs. When he died, he was ushered into Heaven to meet the only One who could truly heal his suffering. Watch this incredible story of a boy who journeyed across the globe to know the true answer to suffering.

He Died & Saw Hitler in Hell
Bryan Melvin, a self-described militant atheist, died after contracting cholera from drinking contaminated water at a construction site. He then went to hell. He saw abusers, killers, and even a preacher. However, the most notable person Bryan saw is one of the most reviled men in all of history, Adolf Hitler…

Jim Woodford’s Glorious Encounter with Jesus in Heaven!
Jim Woodford shares his dramatic story of Hell, Heaven, and his return!

Man Stung By 5 Jellyfish Dies, Encounters Jesus in Heaven, and is Fully Healed
One fateful night in 1982, Ian McCormack was night diving for lobster off the island of Mauritius when he was stung by five box jellyfish, one of the most venomous creatures in the world. Here, he recounts his Heaven experience, what he heard and saw in Heaven, and his dramatic healing after waking up in the morgue.

Man Crushed in Half by Truck, Sees Angels, & Regenerates Organs
The events of November 16, 2006, changed my life forever. I will never forget what happened on that day; it will be with me as long as I live. Many of us can think of defining moments in our lives. Sometimes they are marked by tragedy, sometimes by triumph; rarely are they marked by both. But this was one of those uncommon days…

3 Words Saved Him From a Demonic Creature
Something shuffled out of that doorway. It appeared to have a form—large, round. It was on fire. Its body was on fire. Its head was squat on the shoulders and it seemed to be searching around the bottom of this pit for something. Suddenly, it became aware of me…

Man Meets Lung Donor in Heaven
I went to the hospital, got prepped, and got wheeled into the OR. For the first hour or so, things were going okay. But as they were closing me up, the doctor took the clamp off too early. And I bled out. I died on the table. As they’re trying to get me back to life, I saw myself rising off the operating table…