Man Meets Grandma in Heaven After Leading Her to Jesus!
Amidst the trials of her dementia, Randy Kay felt to witness to his grandmother and help her discover the love of Jesus. Later when he was taken to Heaven, Randy Kay saw his grandmother face-to-face and saw how his actions had brought love into her life.
Prepare to be moved by this heartwarming story that reminds us of the power of family, redemption, and the unwavering love of Jesus.
While on a business trip in Texas, the Holy Spirit impressed on me that I needed to call my grandmother, Gramma Kay.
Mary Kay, not the famed makeup executive, lived during her younger years on the poor side of a Mississippi River town in Iowa during the Great Depression repairing shoes for less than a buck a shoe. Some of the teens on the wealthier side of town called my grandmother, my granddaddy who was disabled by a stroke, and their three sons, “white trash.” Some people called them “hicks.” Growing up, Gramma always took good care of me, though the smell of mold and sound of rickety floors that eerily creaked at night caused me to resent sleeping over as a kid.
I never recall Gramma mentioning Jesus or anything about God. In fact, she taught me a racial slur once that even as a boy I felt necessary to correct. “You shouldn’t say stuff like that, Grammie,” I said. Later I supposed that being considered as the lowest class of people in town may have caused Grammie to want some other class of people to scrape the bottom of the social bracket just so she did not have to consider themselves as “trash.” That did not justify any form of prejudice, but it did explain the anger from never having quite enough despite working multiple jobs to afford a saggy bungalow in support of three spunky boys, two of whom, including my eventual dad, would go off to “the war,” as she called World War II. Come to think of it, I never saw my grandmother just sit and relax. There were always chores to do.
As a woman in her eighties, she then lived in a nursing home on a special unit for patients suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s. I called the nursing home from my hotel room.
“Hi, my name is Randy Kay and my grandmother, Mary Kay, is in your nursing home. I would like to talk with her, please,” I said to the receptionist.
“I’m sorry Mr. Kay, but your grandmother will not know you,” she replied.
“Just put me through…please…bless you for it,” I responded.
The receptionist connected me with Gramma’s room. An attendant picked up the phone and told me the same thing as the receptionist, “She won’t know you.”
“Please, please just hold the phone to her ear,” I said. So she agreed.
“Gramma, this is your grandson, Randy,” I said. “Randy?”
“Yes, Gramma, do you know me, do you remember me?” “Yes,” she answered. “How are you, Randy?” I could imagine
the attendant’s jaw dropping at this point.
Revelations from Heavens
Randy Kay
“Gramma, tell me about a time we spent together.” I wanted to further check her mind’s ability to know me.
“That time when I visited you and your dog licked me in the guest bedroom,” she answered. I chuckled while also remembering how my Golden Retriever named Puff had licked my sleeping grandmother years earlier. Now I am sure the attendant was sitting down after seeing that my grandmother’s mind had returned to reality.
“Gramma, how are you?”
“Not good.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“They put me in this place,” she said. “I hate it.”
“But Dad loves you, Gramma. He was only doing what he thought was best.”
“I hate it. Nobody cares.” Then I got still to hear God’s voice of wisdom.
“Okay, Gramma, do you know that Jesus Christ loves you?” “No,” she abruptly responded.
“Gramma, do you want to ask Jesus to become the Lord of your life?”
What seemed like an infinity passed in silence. “Yes,” she finally replied.
What followed was my reciting a prayer similar to the one I noted earlier in this book, and my grandmother repeated every word. After praying that prayer, she said that she felt “loved.” And then her mind faded into oblivion shortly after that, no longer recognizing me as her grandson.
God had opened her mind long enough for me to respond to the Voice of wisdom telling me to call Gramma. Two months later, she died. My purpose during that window of time had been fulfilled, and later I would learn its full effect.
God Records Our Life
When I was in Heaven years after speaking with Gramma, the Lord opened my eyes to view several vignettes. Previously when I saw a boy with cancer who prayed for me to know Christ, God revealed to me my life in review. This time, He showed me my grandmother—in Heaven. My once plump and grey-haired grandmother appeared slender, youthful, and beaming with joy, much like she appeared in an old photograph I had seen of her as a young bride. She smiled at me.
I know that some who died and experienced Heaven tell of meeting their deceased loved ones at Heaven’s “pearly gates.” At the time of my death, my grandmother was the only close relative who had previously died, but I did not see her at those proverbial pearly gates. My first experience in Heaven happened while being face-to-face with Jesus. Only after spending time with Jesus did I shortly thereafter notice my youthful grandmother standing several feet to my side.
“You will see her again,” Jesus said to me. I knew that my grandmother saw me, just as I saw her in the distance, because we acknowledged each other with a smile. I said, “I love you,” to her, and she cupped her hands over her heart showing the same Cheshire grin with which she always greeted me after opening the torn screen door on her front porch when I was a child.
Her hair was brown, not grey, her figure svelte, not paunchy, and her hands smooth, not calloused as before. I think she wanted to hug me, but our meeting in Heaven would be short as she waved mouthing something that appeared like, “I will see you soon.” Then she disappeared into a place I cannot to this day adequately describe, only to say that it appeared as a faded impression similar to a Monet painting come to life, in a blurred reality that extended from the clearly visible paradise in which I stood with Jesus.
Here was one of several revelations from Heaven: God records all of your life, but failures will not be condemning for the believer—they will only reveal God’s grace in a redeeming fashion; and the positive things in this life will overlay everything with God’s loving influence so that they will all appear as good and pleasant.
The revelation that God will never condemn us in Heaven applies to believers in Jesus Christ. I have spoken with those who said that they experienced hell as unbelievers. Their life review did not soothe them, it troubled them.
We call an admonition given in love, conviction. When God convicts us of our wrongdoings, it comes as a solution to cleanse our soul by praying for forgiveness. God can call us home at any moment. In the blink of an eye, each one of us will emerge from our “cocoon” to enter Heaven. Let us make sure that our life in review at that point comforts us by asking Christ to forgive our iniquities. A clear conscience in this world translates into an even deeper sense of peace in Heaven because every act on earth done for the sake of honoring God counts as a sacred offering.
My life review in Heaven left me feeling deeply appreciative to Jesus for His grace and desirous to serve Him more faithfully because of that grace. I remember thinking, If I had one more breath to breathe, I would want it to be while thinking of how much God loves me. Herein lies a revelation that surprised me from my experience in Heaven: Even fondly thinking about Jesus honors God as a form of worship, because spending time with Jesus in thought is an everlasting form of devotion that God records in much the same way that we would record memories in a photo album.
You might ask, “Is there a literal Book of Life in Heaven as referenced several times in the Bible?” Nothing is allegorical or metaphorical in Heaven. It is all as it seems. Jesus gently placed my hand over His heart as we were walking. “Your name is written here,” He said. The answer, beloved of Jesus Christ, is that your name is written in God’s heart.
What was it like to be face to face with Jesus? What does Heaven look like? And what did Randy Kay learn from his afterlife encounter?
As a human development researcher, medical advisor, and director of clinical support, Randy Kay was not given to fantastical ideas about the spirit realm or embellished “divine encounters.”
But after clinically dying in the hospital, Randy Kay had a life-changing afterlife experience with Jesus in Heaven.
In his first book, Dying to Meet Jesus, Randy shared this experience, but not the supernatural insights and profound discoveries he received. Now, Randy senses a timely assignment from the Holy Spirit to answer the question so many readers have asked: what did you learn while you were in Heaven?
In Revelations from Heaven, Randy leads you into a heavenly encounter of your own, revealing 31 revelations that God is unveiling to you. These insights include…
Emboldened Prayer: A biblical perspective on encounters in Heaven and how they embolden our prayer lives.
Conversations with Jesus: Insights that were exchanged while Randy communicated with Jesus in Heaven.
Angelic and Demonic Activity: How there is a very real, invisible realm battling over the souls of humanity.
Race and Ethnicity in Heaven: In eternity, how do people see one another and how does God see them?
The Sights, Sounds, and Senses of Heaven: In Heaven, the five senses are enhanced and there are new senses that earthly language cannot explain.
Heaven’s Perspective on Sadness and Grief: How tears are kept and collected in bottles.
The Difference Between “Paradise” and Heaven: When a believer dies, where do they really go?
Take hold of the amazing truths that Heaven has released through Randy’s incredible experience, and see for yourself the powerful life-change that can accompany Revelations from Heaven.