Rabbi Died, Saw Angelic Portals in Heaven. Now He Has a Message For You
It all happened suddenly. In a twinkling of an eye. Rabbi Felix died, left his body, and crossed over into heaven.
In this excerpt, Felix explains what happened as he left his body and then his experience with heavenly portals ferrying angels.
Surely, when thinking of going to our eternal home, no one wants to go too soon.
I presume anyone not returning as I did either rises to the glories of Heaven or crash lands in hell. The second is unthinkable. To read about it is one thing, but to experience it and see it is another. Again, the second is unthinkable, because no words are sufficient to describe such an unnecessary circumstance.
For me, it all happened in a twinkling of an eye—it was that fast. The spiritual door swished open, and my last words and actions to Bonnie were a kiss and, “I’ll see you in the morning.” However, the morning never came, at least not the way it normally did.
That September morning things spiraled. I was baffled over the feelings in my body. My heart was beating harder, my chest was increasing in pain, increasingly intense burning was running throughout my midsection, and breathing became more intensified.
“In the morning I’ll go to the hospital,” I thought.
I strove to lay absolutely still throughout the evening, praying that it would go away.
But as I quietly went downstairs at 3 AM to rest, it happened. Within moments after lying down trying to ease the pain, my heart stopped. I guess my heart muscle was tired after a month of that inner storm raging in my body. At a snap of a finger, it was like being shot out of a cannon to a higher plane where life would never be the same.
What. Just. Happened?
My spirit left my body and the crossing over began all in a twinkling of an eye.
Do you know how fast that is?
Eleven one-hundredths of a second. The blinking of an eye is one third of a second. From the spiritual dimension I saw my physical body on the couch where I left it.
Well, here is the point.
I was in the spiritual dimension that fast.
But again, it was not glorious beforehand. I should have heeded the signs. Bonnie has finally forgiven me for not calling 911, not waking her up, and not going to the hospital early on.
In sharing my experience with others, some of course shrug and look at me with searching eyes struggling to grasp for some reference. But to no avail. One’s experience is one’s experience. To another it can seem subjective and not relatable. People mean well, it’s just not possible for another to be as immersed. How could they?
There is also this universal fact. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a theory. One cannot argue with an experience. This seems in the end to always satisfy. You know, yesterday I was blind, today I see. Yesterday I was deaf, today I can hear. I was once bound by the earth, today I am unhinged from it. I only know that in a moment I was before the throne in Heaven. Today I am back on earth.
Nodding. Agreeing. Taking my words for what they are. Readers will understand to the best of their ability. You will too. You see, through my words, it is always God’s desire to pull on some thread that will lead you to a larger understanding.
But there are limits.
The apostle Paul understood this, as I reference him often. He states that he knew a man, speaking of himself.
Doesn’t that leave you on a cliff? Where is that man?
What happened to him?
But let us return to the twinkling of an eye. In a second or nanosecond I found myself floating in the spiritual dimension while lying horizontally in midair. Truly. My spirit stepped out of my body and it rose up. It had a physical outline and form just like my temporal body. I remember the sensation of being as light as air and feeling like a bird that was just given wings. My spiritual body began to hover in the room slightly below the ceiling, where I could see down at my physical body separated from me. Dead, I presume, lying on the couch.
In the spiritual dimension, I was in a horizontal position, as an angel was standing over my spiritual body. I could not see the angel’s face, just a powerful presence and the outline of his figure. His powerful hands were moving over me, but not touching me. There was authority in him that I was keenly aware of.
At the time I could not understand it, but he seemed to be ministering to my soul. I felt like an individual who was just rushed into the emergency room. There was no fear or anxiety, just a deep reassurance and sense of safety washing over me.
I pause from time to time while writing this because my thoughts drift back. I have wondered often why my soul was being ministered to as one who had just arrived in the hospital emergency room. I know that I am repeating myself. But here I am floating in the spiritual realm, my physical body lifeless on the couch, while immersed in a glorious state of bliss and joy, and this angel is over me. Imagine that, this being my death and all.
Apparently, God wants nothing more than our soul to return to Him. It’s His love! It’s in fact the oldest part of us, you know. All the way back in the Garden when God blew His breath into man, man became a living soul. I now understand why. There is a wonderful life that follows our days on earth. It happens when a wonderful liberation of our soul takes place.
Friend, I am hoping that my words find a seat in your heart and you receive the gift of introspection. Perhaps you will pause for a moment of reflection here.
But something else, too.
“Has God gotten a hold of your soul?”
A Rabbi’s Journey to Heaven
Felix Halpern
“Do you believe in God?” No! Not just any God. I mean the one who is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. You see, while you are alive and breathing, living and filling your lungs with air each day, you don’t know when that lightning speed of a second call for eternity will come to you as it did with me.
I didn’t know!
In a twinkling of an eye, my breath ceased. My life expired.
I was merely resting on my couch.
Days and months have passed now. Twelve months, in fact, and I have somehow managed my thoughts. But from time to time, I perch somewhere in a day or a week asking myself, “That could not have actually happened, right?”
Certainly, I needed to die and enter into the spiritual dimension to share what I am about to tell you. But I have also returned with a gift.
Leaving Earth Behind
Today, I am here living my life, relatively obscure, yet I feel like I’m living upon a mountaintop, daily overlooking a grand landscape. My voice is not heard by a thousand ears, yet I live in the presence of a thousand angels.
What I have also found is what I have always known— a beautiful life in His presence brings inner contentment and tranquility, thereby actually prolonging our days here on earth.
You see, many people can live without earthly things and pursuits. Truly, they can. But no one can truly live without the presence of God. It cannot be purchased for any sum of money, but it must be something that comes from the heart and born out of the soul.
As fast as I left, I can relive the events that occurred that September morning in 2019. When I do, the walls of my chest feels like it caves in on itself, and I find it hard to breathe. I feel myself tilt toward Heaven again as if I am being pulled up by an invisible magnet, by a force which I have no power to resist. A sensation returns of what impending death feels like again.
“Is this my new reality?” I ask myself often.
I remember when I rose, I saw my wife Bonnie in the throes of immense grief and sorrow, as she was planning my funeral with my children. In that moment, I saw the future from the spiritual dimension.
I learned that when loved ones depart, they have a momentary awareness of grief and suffering upon those left behind. This offers us some solace knowing that they are aware of how we are suffering.
As I entered the spiritual dimension, there was a white luminous light almost with a blueish hue above me to the right. The light was cylindrical in form and I could see at the end of this funnel-like tunnel. But it was not restrictive, just present. It was a portal. I actually saw many porals where angels were ascending and descending between Heaven and earth during my first three months. It’s how ministering angels come to minister to the redeemed of the Lord.
The light, however, was like a blazing fire—no flames, just an intensity surrounding it. Again, it prompted no fear, only an unexplainable peace.
June and September Brought Something Else
You should know that my life-and-death experience was preceded by another set of circumstances. Between June and September, I had already been to Israel twice, and three weeks went by since I was home from my first trip. During my first trip, I had a divine encounter with the Lord at the ancient Wailing Wall, only to return knowing that something had happened to me.
When I returned, I couldn’t sleep or resume life as usual. For some unknown reason I was compelled to return, “But for what?” I thought.
Finally, Bonnie said, “All right, but you need to assure me that if you go, you’ll find what God wants.”
“I’m only doing it to verify the inner witness that is screaming loudly right now,” I explained to her.
But as she has always done, she nodded with that look, “I understand.”
I know she wished I had a more affirmative response, but that is the way it was.
Only three weeks passed and I was back in Jerusalem spending seven days in prayer at the Wailing Wall, seeking the Lord at prayer houses, and in deep meditation at the Tower of David. Thankfully, resolution finally came, and I knew that I completed an assignment, even though I didn’t understand its full purpose yet. Perhaps it was a test of obedience for obedience’s sake! Perhaps it was preparation for what I was about to go through.
You never know at the time. You just do it and obey.
I’m Finally Home
After arriving home with that deep resolve, something began to feel acutely wrong. I had gone to the doctor for my regular exam and everything seemed fine. But I began to feel out of sorts in my body. It seemed to descend into a base of nervousness and unrest. I didn’t know at the time that my body was undergoing the early signs of the internal storm that I mentioned earlier from the doctor’s error, or that it was a clue of impending death.
A solid month went by. Every day I felt as if I was groping around the darkness, confused, deeply disturbed within my body. But one catastrophic morning at 3 AM, my body finally said enough. My heart stopped, and my spiritual journey to the spiritual frontier began.
In the glorious months that followed, I was here physically, but in my spirit I was detached. That still lingers. You will understand as you journey with me. I felt born again, again. I felt like a newborn nursing on the presence of Heaven taking in every drop of heavenly milk, figuratively speaking of course.
Factually, I was literally drawn into a fetal position in the shower every morning for three months, weeping, receiving, and experiencing. That’s the way it was! Of course, Bonnie and my children had to deal with a new set of changes again. But Bonnie knew that I was never known to have an overactive imagination either. So I would often nod, then think a moment only to say, “This is something new.”
Everything is incapable of fitting in now. It’s like trying to put a round peg in a square hole. And I am sure that others who have been shot out of that same spiritual cannon have confronted the same disadvantages, as well as advantages.
If it should happen to you, my dear reader, my words will resound in your heart and mind. You will be forever changed by a tsunami of heavenly forces—the eternal spheres, the places where angels fly, where the throne of the Almighty resides. One day you’re bound by the earth. Mortal. Confined. The next moment you’re free. Immortal. Only to surrender to mortality again.
A Rabbi’s Journey to Heaven
It all happened suddenly. In a twinkling of an eye. Rabbi Felix died, left his body, and crossed over into heaven. Amazed, he experienced the glories of heaven that he always read, pondered, and dreamt about. He also saw the lower realm, the second heaven, where demons dwell.
In these extraordinary heavenly experiences, Rabbi Felix’s eyes were opened to life-changing truths about the spiritual world that he shares for you in this book, such as:
What is heaven like?
How does it feel to move from mortality into immortality?
The boundaries between the second and third heaven and how to wage effective spiritual warfare
The difference between the soul and the spirit and the keys God showed him to cleansing your soul
How to transform your prayers and live under an open heaven 24/7, free from earthly limitations and needs
Three days after returning from heaven, God also gave Rabbi Felix a gift called “The Heavenly Soul Cleanse” which holds the keys to a transformational prayer life that turns our current prayer culture upside down. Rabbi Felix now lives from an open heaven, and as he shares these heavenly keys with you in this book, so will you. Imagine saturating your soul in heavenly glory and starving your soul from the natural order. As you do, God will heal your soul, and you will be launched into an entirely new operating system.
Take this journey with Rabbi Felix and experience this heavenly transformation. True freedom awaits you, and you will never be the same!